Embed files from github repository into webpage

I am sure that you here because, you have a situation that you need to embed a file from a github repository to your webpage/blog. right?

I was in the same situation once, so I googled and got a perfect solution for my need and now for yours.


Gist-it is your solution for it. A man named "Robert Krimen" is kind enough to create a application so that we can embed any file from github repository to our webpage/blog. You can do it as simple as in three steps, just like you embed a gist, hoping you are familiar with embedding gist. 
  1. Copy github url of the file you like to embed.
  2. Submit it to Gist-it and copy the script tag generated.
  3. Use the script tag copied in you blog, same as you use gist.

A sample file is embedded here.

Github url of file : https://github.com/revathskumar/dotfiles/blob/master/zsh/aliases.zsh

If you like to contribute to this project here is the source code in github.
Hope you got it. Now start embedding it.
If you find my work helpful, You can buy me a coffee.