Since I started giving tech talks in meetups I used reveal.js to build my slides. As a web developer its the finest tool to create and share slides for me. I either share the slides on github or upload to slide hosting sites.
To upload the slides to hosting sites I need to convert html slides to pdf. The reveal.js have a workflow to convert the html slides into pdf using chrome. But since I love CLI, I was looking for a way to convert my slides to pdf using phantom.js. Then a stackoverflow thread got me into the following solution.
Before seeing the stackoverflow I never knew that reveal.js have equiped with a plugin print-pdf.js to do this. For this solution to work, you need phantomjs to be installed. You can either download the compiled phantomjs or install using npm
npm install -g phantomjs
After installing the phantomjs you can run the following command to generate the pdf.
phantomjs path/to/print-pdf.js "http://localhost:9000/index.html?print-pdf" file-name.pdf
Since I installed revealjs using bower, my path to print-pdf.js
plugin is bower_components/reveal.js/plugin/print-pdf/print-pdf.js
and my slides are served using simple http server running at localhost:9000
But when I tried this first time, I got the blank slides because reveal.js load the slide content via ajax after loading the index.html
and as per the plugin phantomjs won’t wait for the ajax to complete. So I found a simple hack to wait phantomjs to load the slide contents using setTimeout
. revealFile, function( status ) {
// console.log( 'Printed succesfully' );
// page.render( slideFile );
// phantom.exit();
if (status !== 'success') {
console.log('Unable to load the address!');
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1000); // Change timeout as required to allow sufficient time
} );
If you are using grunt, you can register the task to generate pdf.
grunt.registerTask('pdf', function(){
var childProcess = require('child_process');
var phantomjs = require('phantomjs');
var binPath = phantomjs.path;
var done = grunt.task.current.async();
childArgs = [
childProcess.execFile(binPath, childArgs, function(error, stdout, stderr) {
So from now generating pdf from reveal.js slides have become really easy, I just need to run
grunt pdf
If you have a better solution to check whether phantomjs finished loading the slides contents other than the above hack, please do let me know.
Thank You.