mysql : create user and set privileges

According to me the easiest way to create a user in mysql and set privilege to some database is the grant statement.  You can do both the tasks ie., creating a user and setting privileges by executing a single statement. Here is the syntax for the statement.

1. Privilage
You can specify what privilage should be given to the user on this database. like SELECT,CREATE. etc. Either you can use one privilege or more than one privilege on a single statement.

if you want to give all the privilages to the user then the short cut is

2. Database
Datebase name to which you need to give privilege to the user. If the user want privilege to all databases use "*".

3. Tablename
If you want to set a particular privilege to a database table you can provide a table name else just provide * (astrik) which means to all tables in a given database.

4. username
Desired username for the new user.Must me unique.

If you like to restrict the user from using database from a particular ip then you can provide the allowed ip or just provide localhost there so that user can't use remote login to the '%' in the place indicated localhost.

6. password
Desired password for the new user.


After creating user and setting privilage don't forget to reload the privileges using
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