jQuery: set ajax callbacks conditionally

When I work with $.ajax, many times I came across situations where I need to set the success callback conditionally. I am not pretty intrested in setting a common callback and check the condition inside it. I like my functions to be simple and do less things as possible. So I used to set the options object explicity and set the options['success'] conditionally and pass the resultant option object to $.ajax method.

options = {
  url: "create",
  data: JSON.stringify(data),
  contentType: 'application/json',
  type: "POST",
  error: handleFail,

if(type == "online") {
  options['success'] = function(response, status, xhr) {
    // ...
else if(type == "other") {
  options['success'] = function(response, status, xhr) {
    // ...


But, ever since I am introduced to promises, I use the promise way to accomblish things. no more setting of options object conditionally. Since the $.ajax method will return a promise, use the returned object to chain with $.done method and set them conditionally with the callbacks. For me this is much more cleaner and extendable than the previous method and its the starting point where I am moving to promises where ever possible.

$ajOrder = $.ajax({
  url: "create",
  data: JSON.stringify(data),
  contentType: 'application/json',
  type: "POST",
  error: handleFail

if( type == "online" ) {
  $ajOrder.done( function(response,status,xhr) {
    // ...
else if( type == "other" ) {
  $ajOrder.done( function(response,status,xhr){

I have already discussed the promises in JavaScript a year back in KeralaJS meetup. Hope that slides help you to get started with promises.

If you know any method better than these, please let me know.
I am looking forward for the feedbacks.

If you find my work helpful, You can buy me a coffee.