HTML5: custom validation messages

UPDATE : 2017/03/08

We have to clear the custom validity either using oninput or onchange event to avoid an extra invalid loop with blank message. The snippets below is updated accordingly.

By the introduction of HTML5 validations, things are really getting easy for the developers regarding the form validation. we can validate the inputs using the attributes itself. They usually have their on predefined validation message. What if we want our custom validation message. we always need it. right?

For the required attribute, the usual error message is “Please fill out this field”. Let see how we can customize those messages.

Here is a simple form with number field age with required attribute, minimum is set to 1 and maximum value set to 150.

<form action="">
  <label for="age"> Age </label>
  <input type="number" name="age" required="required" min="1" max="150"/>
  <input type="submit"/>

This form is invalid if age field is blank, non-number, less than or equal to zero and greater than 150. Every input have a oninvalid event handler in which we can assign a handler method, this method will be triggered when value in this input is invalid.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
  var invalid = function (e) {


  var age_element = document.getElementsByName("age");
  age_element[0].oninvalid = invalid; 

This is just like any other event handle like click, mouseover, mouseout etc. The event object will be passed to the handler. From the event object we will get the target element using Now the target will have a property named validity which is an object of ValidityState. The ValidityState object will have all the errors types with a boolean value.

[object ValidityState] {
  badInput: false,
  customError: false,
  patternMismatch: false,
  rangeOverflow: false,
  rangeUnderflow: false,
  stepMismatch: false,
  tooLong: false,
  typeMismatch: false,
  valid: false,
  valueMissing: false

If the required attribute of an element is violated, then valueMissing will be true. So now we have a way to identify which validation is violated. Now we need a way to set custom message.

The target element have setCustomValidity method to set the validation message. It accepts a string argument which is our custom message. SO now we can customize the valueMissing (required) error as follows.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
  var invalid = function (e) {
    if({"Value Missing");

  var age_element = document.getElementsByName("age");
  age_element[0].oninvalid = invalid;
  age_element[0].oninput = function(e) {"");

Set setCustomValidity to empty string on oninput or onchange event to clear the custom validity message. After settings the custom message for other errors our code will look like

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(){
  console.log("DOM loaded");
  var invalid = function(e){
    if({'Only Integer');
    if({'max value 150');
    if({'min value 1');
    if({"Value Missing");

  var age_element = document.getElementsByName("age");
  age_element[0].oninvalid = invalid;
  age_element[0].oninput = function(e) {"");

If you want to see this in action here is the jsbin.

JS Bin

Hope you enjoyed the post. Let me know if you have any feedback or corrections.
Thank You.

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