JavaScript : window.onbeforeunload

When you want to ask a confirmation from user about leaving a webpage by closing or refreshing window when their work is not saved, you can use window.onbeforeunload event for it.

unlike other events the use of confirm, alert and prompt will be ignored inside onbeforeunload event. We should return the message that we want show to the user.

window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
  return "Are you sure you want leave?";

if you are using jQuery,

$(window).on("beforeunload", function(e) {
  return "Are you sure you want leave?";

But if you want to support some IE versions, returning message won’t help you. You need to set the event.returnValue with the message.

window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
  message = "Are you sure you want leave?";
  e.returnValue = message;
  return message;

If you want this prompt to be conditional then,

window.onbeforeunload = function (e) {
  if(inputChanged) {
    var message = "Are you sure you want leave?";
    e.returnValue = message;
    return message;

Any value except null returned will be converted into string. You can unbind this event by assigning null.

window.onbeforeunload = null;

and in jQuery, using off method.


Here is a demo on jsbin.

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