When we start introducing the ELM slowly into our existing application, there is high chance that we need to pass some initial data to ELM module to configure it while it starts up.
Consider we have written a small application using program
-- Main.elm
type Action = NoOp
type alias Model =
{ name: String }
initModel : Model
initModel =
{ name = "A" }
view : Model -> Html Action
div [] [
text model.name
update : Action -> Model -> (Model -> Cmd Action)
update action model ->
case action of
NoOp ->
(model, Cmd.none)
init : (Model -> Cmd Action)
init =
(initModel, Cmd.none)
main : Program Never Model Action
main =
Html.program {
init: init,
update: update,
view: view,
subscription: \_ -> Sub.none
And the bootup will be
import { Main } from './Main.elm'
var app = Main.embed(document.getElementById('elm-app'));
In the above app we don’t have any way to pass the initial value for the name.
To make the above app to accept name
while booting up we need to follow 2 steps
- Pass the data as second parameter to
- Use
instead ofprogram
Let start with defining the type
type alias Flags =
{ name : String }
Now use the programWithFlags
instead of program
for our main
main : Program Flags Model Action
main =
Html.programWithFlags {
init: init,
update: update,
view: view,
subscription: \_ -> Sub.none
Then, in init
method update the model using the value we received via flag.
init : Flags -> (Model -> Cmd Action)
init flags =
({ initModel | name = flags.name }, Cmd.none)
Now our app is ready to accept the name on startup. Let’s pass the value to our elm program.
import { Main } from './Main.elm'
var app = Main.embed(document.getElementById('elm-app'), {
name: 'ELM'
Thats it we are now passing the data to ELM program while it starting.
If we are using fullscreen
method, same as embed
it will accept the initial data as the second parameter.
So now our final code will look like,
-- Main.elm
type alias Flags =
{ name : String }
type Action = NoOp
type alias Model =
{ name: String }
initModel : Model
initModel =
{ name = "A" }
view : Model -> Html Action
view model =
div [] [
text model.name
update : Action -> Model -> (Model -> Cmd Action)
update action model ->
case action of
NoOp ->
(model, Cmd.none)
init : Flags -> (Model -> Cmd Action)
init flags =
({ initModel | name = flags.name }, Cmd.none)
main : Program Flags Model Action
main =
Html.programWithFlags {
init: init,
update: update,
view: view,
subscription: \_ -> Sub.none
Hope it helped.