ELM : message passing between modules

In the last blog we saw how to update a field in the list of items. In that we had only one module Main. In this we will see what are the changes need when we plan to move the viewItem into a child module and how the message passing works between the modules.

If you are planning to seperate module,

  • Parent should have a message to convert the parent message to child message
  • This message will take care of conversion of all the messages related to child module.
  • Same may we have to convert the Cmd from child module to parent one.
  • Use .map function to convert one message to another

From the last post the whole code will look like

type alias Item =
  { description : String
  , id : Int

type alias Model =
  { items : List Item }

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
  case msg of
    UpdateDescription id description ->
        updateDescription item =
          if (item.id == id) then
            { item | description = description }

        items =
          List.map updateDescription model.items
        ( { model | items = items }, Cmd.none )

viewItem : Item -> Html Msg
viewItem item =
  div [ class "panel-block" ]
    [ div [ class "columns" ]
      [ div [ class "column" ]
        [ input [ type_ "text", value item.description, onInput (UpdateDescription item.id) ] []

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div [ class "panel" ]
    [ p [ class "panel-heading" ] [ text "Items" ]
    , div []
      (if (List.length model.items) > 0 then
        (List.map viewItem model.items)
        [ text "No Items to show" ]

As the first step we will move the Item into a different module.

module Item exposing (..)

type alias Item =
  { description : String
  , id : Int

type Msg = UpdateDescription String

update : Msg -> Item -> ( Item, Cmd Msg )
update msg item =
  case msg of
    UpdateDescription description ->
        ( { model | description = description }, Cmd.none )

view : Item -> Html Msg
view item =
  div [ class "panel-block" ]
    [ div [ class "columns" ]
      [ div [ class "column" ]
        [ input [ type_ "text", value item.description, onInput UpdateDescription ] []

Now the Item module will handle the data for that item and Main module will handle the list.

The Main module will be

module Main exposing (..)

import Item

type alias Model =
  { items : List Item.Item }

Next we need to declare the message which accepts an id and Item message to convert.

type Msg = UpdateItem Int Item.Msg

Next lets make changes to the update, Now the update function should do the following tasks

  • Find the Item which need updation
  • Call Item.update with the item found
  • get back the updated Item and update the Item list.

Since we are using List we can’t easily get the Item at a particular index, or update and Item at particular index. We will use List.Extra package which give some handy method like findIndex, getAt and setAt.

Lets utilise these methods to update our list of items

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
  case msg of
    UpdateItem id itemMsg ->
        case itemMsg of 
            Item.UpdateDescription -> 
                    mayBeIndex = (List.Extra.findIndex (\item -> item.id == id) model.items)
                    index =
                        case mayBeIndex of
                            Just index -> index
                            Nothing -> -1

                    selectedItem =
                        case (List.Extra.getAt index model.items) of
                            Just item -> item
                            Nothing -> Item.initItem

                    ( updatedItem, cmdMsg ) =
                        Item.update childAction selectedItem

                    items =
                        List.Extra.setAt index updatedItem model.items
                    ( { model | items = items }, Cmd.map (UpdateItem id) cmdMsg )

Since Item.update will return the updated item and Cmd Msg, we should convert the item message using Cmd.map.

Now into the view, Since the messages used by Main and Item is different if we try to use Item.view instead of viewItem will result in error. With the help Html.map we can use UpdateItem to convert the Msg.

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
  div [ class "panel" ]
    [ p [ class "panel-heading" ] [ text "Items" ]
    , div []
        (if (List.length model.items) > 0 then
            div [] (List.map (\item -> Html.map (UpdateItem item.id) (Item.view item)) model.items)
            div [ class "panel-block" ] [ text "No Items to show" ]

That’s it. we successfully moved Item into a separate module and started passing messages between modules.

Versions of Language/packages used in this post.

| Library/Language | Version |
| ---------------- |---------|
|      ELM         |  0.18.0 |
|    List.Extra    |  7.1.0  |
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