ELM : Fetching data with XHR

This post will explain how to use elm/http package to fetch data using XHR requests in ELM applications. Since the reponse is from the outer world of ELM we need to decode JSON response before ELM can consume it. For the purpose of demo we will fetch posts from jsonplaceholder and render the list of titles from its /posts resource.

ELM fetch with XHR

Setup Model

Lets start with defining model for the application. Our Post model will have id,title & body fields and main Model will contain the list of Posts the uiState to show the state of request and error to store the error message.

type UiState
    = Init
    | Loading
    | Success
    | Failure

type alias Post =
    { id : Int, title : String, body : String }

type alias Model =
    { posts : List Post, uiState : UiState, error : Maybe String }

initialModel : Model
initialModel =
    { posts = [], uiState = Init, error = Nothing }

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( initialModel, Cmd.none )

Once we have Modal and Post we can setup the decoders for these

List Decoder

postDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder Post
postDecoder =
    Json.Decode.map3 Post
        (Json.Decode.field "id" Json.Decode.int)
        (Json.Decode.field "title" Json.Decode.string)
        (Json.Decode.field "body" Json.Decode.string)

postCollectionDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder (List Post)
postCollectionDecoder =
    Json.Decode.map identity
        (Json.Decode.list postDecoder)

if your api is namespaced the collection with keys like data then the postCollectionDecoder will become

postCollectionDecoder : Json.Decode.Decoder (List Post)
postCollectionDecoder =
    Json.Decode.map identity
        (Json.Decode.field "data" (Json.Decode.list repoDecoder))

fetch & update

Next we need to setup the Msg and update function.

We will make use of two Msgs. InitFetchPosts will update the uiState to loading and initiate the fetch. Once the fetch result is available we will handle it with FetchPosts Msg.

type Msg
    = InitFetchPosts
    | FetchPosts (Result Http.Error (List Post))

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        InitFetchPosts ->
            ( { model | uiState = Loading }, fetchPosts )

        FetchPosts result ->
            case result of
                Ok posts ->
                    ( { model | uiState = Success, posts = posts }, Cmd.none )

                Err _ ->
                    ( { model | uiState = Failure, error = Just "Error" }, Cmd.none )

then use Http.get to fetch the data

fetchPosts : Cmd Msg
fetchPosts =
        { url = "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts"
        , expect = Http.expectJson FetchPosts postCollectionDecoder

we can initiate fetchPosts either on init using task or on a normal button click. For the purpose of this post let use a button to load the data we will be able to notice the Loading state switch to Success when data is received.

Rendering the view

In view we will have a button which will initiate the xhr request and the render the data as per the xhr status. Once the xhr is initiated we will show the text Loading... as the loading indicator and later change it to either error message or the list of titles as per the status of xhr request.

renderItem : Post -> Html Msg
renderItem post =
    li [] [ text post.title ]

renderData : Model -> Html Msg
renderData model =
    case model.uiState of
        Init ->
            span [] []

        Loading ->
            span [] [ text "Loading..." ]

        Success ->
            ul [] (List.map (\post -> renderItem post) model.posts)

        Failure ->
            case model.error of
                Just error ->
                    span [] [ text error ]

                Nothing ->
                    span [] []

view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
    div []
        [ button [ onClick InitFetchPosts ] [ text "Fetch Posts" ]
        , renderData model

The Running version is available on ellie-app.

Versions of Language/packages used in this post.

| Library/Language | Version |
| ---------------- |---------|
|      ELM         |  0.19.0 |
|   elm/http       |  2.0.0  |
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