Rails: custom param name for member resource

By default, the param name for the member resources like :show, :update, :delete etc are id. Occasionally we come into a situation where the name id doesn’t make sense to the routes.

For example, in reservations we have :show but instead of id we will be passing confirmation_code instead of reservation id. Using params[:id] in this case will be confusing for the people who read the code.

This blog will describe how we can use a custom name like confirmation_code for the param name and use params[:confirmation_code].

For all routes of the resource

Our normal routes for reservations resource will look like

Verb   URI Pattern                                       Controller#Action
GET    /api/v1/reservations/:id(.:format)                api/v1/reservations#
GET    /api/v1/reservations(.:format)                    api/v1/reservations#index
POST   /api/v1/reservations(.:format)                    api/v1/reservations#create
PATCH  /api/v1/reservations/:id(.:format)                api/v1/reservations#update
PUT    /api/v1/reservations/:id(.:format)                api/v1/reservations#update
DELETE /api/v1/reservations/:id(.:format)                api/v1/reservations#destroy

To change the name id to confirmation_code, we can configure the route like below

resources :reservations, param: :confirmation_code

Now for all the reservation member routes, id will be replaced with confirmation_code.

Verb   URI Pattern                                       Controller#Action
GET    /api/v1/reservations/:confirmation_code(.:format) api/v1/reservations#show
GET    /api/v1/reservations(.:format)                    api/v1/reservations#index
POST   /api/v1/reservations(.:format)                    api/v1/reservations#create
PATCH  /api/v1/reservations/:confirmation_code(.:format) api/v1/reservations#update
PUT    /api/v1/reservations/:confirmation_code(.:format) api/v1/reservations#update
DELETE /api/v1/reservations/:confirmation_code(.:format) api/v1/reservations#destroy

Only for single route

If we want the custom name only for a single route like for :show, we can configure this using only & except

resources :reservations, only: :show, param: :confirmation_code
resources :reservations, except: :show,

The result will be

Verb   URI Pattern                                       Controller#Action
GET    /api/v1/reservations/:confirmation_code(.:format) api/v1/reservations#show
GET    /api/v1/reservations(.:format)                    api/v1/reservations#index
POST   /api/v1/reservations(.:format)                    api/v1/reservations#create
PATCH  /api/v1/reservations/:id(.:format)                api/v1/reservations#update
PUT    /api/v1/reservations/:id(.:format)                api/v1/reservations#update
DELETE /api/v1/reservations/:id(.:format)                api/v1/reservations#destroy

Now we can use the confirmation code for :show & id for all other routes.

Hope this helped.

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