jest : module mocking in es modules

When using CommonJS module system, we can jest.mock to mock the modules or functions. with jest.mock the mock statement will be hoisted automatically so we don’t need to worry about the import orders.

But when it comes to ES Modules, we have to use the jest.unstable_mockModule This comes with 2 major differences

  1. it doesn’t hoist the mock statements
  2. factory method as second param is mandatory

Since jest.unstable_mockModule doesn’t hoist automatically, we have to import modules or function using dynamic import() after jest.unstable_mockModule.

Set up jest for ESM

Jest by default transform the code to CommonJS, to avoid this when we use ESM, we configure the transform option to {} (empty object).

"jest": {
  "transform": {}

And when we run the test, we need to use --experimental-vm-modules option with node.

  "scripts": {
    "test": "node --experimental-vm-modules node_modules/jest/bin/jest.js"

we can also use NODE_OPTIONS='--experimental-vm-modules' npx jest

Mocking ES Modules

For mocking we can take a small example

// utils.js

import * as fs from "node:fs/promises";

export const readName = async () => {
  const content = await fs.readFile("package.json", "utf8");
  return JSON.parse(content).name;

In order to test the readName method we can try to mock fs.readFile.

// utils.test.js

jest.unstable_mockModule("node:fs/promises", async () => ({
  readFile: jest.fn(),

const { readName } = await import("./utils");
const { readFile } = await import("node:fs/promises");

describe("index", () => {
  test("read name", () => {
    readFile.mockResolvedValue(JSON.stringify({'name': 'mock'}));
    return expect(readName()).resolves.toBe("mock");

You can find the example repo on revathskumar/jest-mock-in-esm

In TypeScript

When using with TypeScript you might need to add the signature for unstable_mockModule into project’s declaration file.

// index.d.ts

declare namespace jest {
  function unstable_mockModule<T = unknown>(moduleName: string, factory?: () => T, options?: MockOptions): typeof jest;

Hope that was helpful.

Versions of Language/packages used in this post.

Library/Language Version
Jest 29.7.0
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