I like to write independent, decoupled modules, so we can add or remove modules as we like and don’t want to care about effect on other modules. Initially when I started working with whatznear, I used contructor patten for modules, but when the requirements started getting complicated I understood that the constructor pattern was not enough. I want something more to make the modules decoupled and thus I introduced module pattern along with mediator pattern.
In module pattern we can have public and private methods with the help of cloures. So I wrote a module for product review with init method as the only public method. It worked fine, until I need to add reviews for stores.
Store review was pretty much similar, except loading of reviews, so I thought of extending ProductReview
module. Then I came to understand that if I want to override a method in module pattern then the method should be public. That made me change the visibility of load
method to public.
ProductReview = (function () {
var _el = "";
var init = function (options) {
_el = options.el;
options.load = options.load || true;
Mediator.subscribe('load', load);
Mediator.subscribe('event1', _doAction1)
// other event bindings and defaults
var _doAction1 = function () {
var load = function () {
url: "/reviews.json",
data: {
product_id: _el.data('product-id'),
inventory_id: _el.data('inventory-id'),
type: "GET",
var _success = function (data, status, xhr) {
// ...
var _error = function(data, xhr) {
// ..
// other functionalities
return {
init: init,
load: load
Thus my ProductReview
module works fine with new changes and now I need to extend this for the store review and I only need to update the load method and its success and error callbacks. Since I need all event binds as it is in ProductReview
and I don’t want to duplicate any code, So I just used init
method of ProductReview
StoreReview = (function() {
var load = function() {
url: "/store_reviews.json",
data: {
store_id: this._el.data('store-id')
type: "GET",
var _success = function(data, status, xhr) {
// ...
var _error = (data, xhr) {
// ..
return {
load: load,
init: ProductReview.init
If you want more methods to override, you can make those public and overwrite in the child module. In above modules, when I publish event ‘load’, from StoreReview
the overriden method will be executed. I will be writing about mediator pattern sometimes later in another blog post.
Thus my store review module is ready, just with the change for load and other callback. Since both these module never come on the same page (atleast for now) it works perfectly.
If you think this implementation have any problem or issue. please lemme know.