When I thought of decoupling modules in Whatznear, first thing I want to get rid of using $.trigger
for each and everything. That doen’t mean I don’t wanna trigger events anymore, but I want some other way for modules to communicate with others and it should not make themselves dependencies. Thus I though of introducing a Mediator
for inter module communication. I introduced Mediator along with Module pattern.
Mediator = (function(){
var subscribe = function(channel,func, context) {
Mediator.channels[channel] = [];
Mediator.channels[channel].push({context: context, callback: func});
return this;
var publish = function(channel) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
var subscripions = Mediator.channels[channel];
for(i=0; i < subscripions.length; i++) {
subscripion = channels[i];
subscripion.callback.apply(subscripion.context, args);
return this;
return {
channels: [],
publish: publish,
subscribe: subscribe
Using $.on
and $.trigger
introduces unnecessary dom dependencies between modules, but in Mediator all the modules have only one dependency Mediator
. All the modules can now subscribe to an event using subscribe
Mediator.subscribe('some-event', func, this);
Also any module can publish event using publish