Handle multiple github accounts

Have you ever came into a situation where you have to separate the work and personal github accounts and find it difficult to switch between those on same machine in a busy working day? This post is for YOU!.

Recently when I started with my new client, they had a demand that we can’t use our existing (personal) github.com account for work. We have to create a new github account with the new clients email address and use it. But github didn’t allow to add same ssh key in the new account. We have to generate new ssh key.

Considering we have generated new ssh key and added to new github account there are couple of challenges.

  • We have to use the new ssh key for anything related to client projects
  • the committer and author email should be set to client email address
  • if you are using hub, hub should be able to use the token from the new github account.

Settings per repo

If the client has only one repo, the ssh key, committer email and author email can be set in git local config using git config --local command.

we can use core.sshCommand config to override the ssh command Eg:

git config --local core.sshCommand "ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_client"

Use user.email and user.name configs to override the committer email/name and author email/name.

git config --local user.email "email@client.com"
git config --local user.name "Your name"

As of now hub won’t allow to override the config on per repo basis

Settings for multi repo

Overriding the git settings per repo will be an issue if you have multiple client repos. When you clone a new repo you have to remember to run these commands.

To fix this we can utilize the Environment variables to override the settings.

GIT_SSH_COMMAND instead of core.sshCommand

But setting these ENV variables for every git command is not possible. direnv to save us from this issue.

Direnv helps to load specific ENV variables while switching to directories and the best part is direnv is smart enough to load the ENV in the parent folder if you directly switching to a child directly. The [setup][direnv_setup] instruction is available in it’s README.

To work out this easily let’s move all the repos of this client to a parent folder.

    |-> Project 1
    |-> Project 2

and inside the clientProjects let’s have .envrc file with necessary ENV variables.

export GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_client'
export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='Name'
export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='email@client.com'
export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='email@client.com'
export EMAIL='email@client.com'

Once the .envrc is created run the command dotenv allow . in the folder to load the ENV variables. This is needed only once after you update the .envrc rest all when you change directory the clientProject or to any child folder these ENV variables will get loaded.

Now if you run any git command inside this clientProjects folder at any level, git will take up the values from these ENV variables.

Configure hub

If you are a hub user and you already have the hub config (personal account) on the machine, all the above config won’t help to use hub specific commands like pull-request etc to work with new client specific github account.

To do that, let’s move the existing hub config from $HOME/.config/hub to $HOME/.config/hub-personal and add

export HUB_CONFIG="$HOME/.config/hub-personal"

into the .bashrc or .zshrc.

Later, add export HUB_CONFIG="$HOME/.config/hub-client" into the our .envrc in the clientProjects folder try hub login from the clientProjects folder.

That’s it. No more worry about switching accounts before starting the client work or getting access denied error.

Special thanks to @emilsoman for introducing me to $GIT_SSH_COMMAND and @isaacaggrey for hub config workaround

If you are interested in getting github notification of specific organization into a specific email, check my other post on Github : Routing organization notifications to official email.

If you find my work helpful, You can buy me a coffee.